Peanut Learns to Dance

"How one girl’s tragedy transformed the Christian community"

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What others are saying


“This story honors a young girls life without deifying her. Even more importantly the story honors the Lord. The author does a great job of avoiding religious platitudes and is honest about the pain, the questions and the emotions that come with any tragedy. It was heartening to read how God used a young girls life and death in such powerful ways. Very inspiring and hope-giving”

Virginia Friesen, D. Min in Marriage and Family Counseling, Co-Director of Home Improvement Ministries, author of Raising a Trailblazer: Rite-of-Passage Trail Markers for your Set-Apart Teens

“Death certainly had no victory in the crash that snuffed out Chris’ life. The impact she had on the community testifies to what God can do with a heart that is sold out to Him — even if it’s packed in a tiny five-foot frame.
Peanut Learns to Dance, the recounting of the days leading up to and following Chris’s sudden and violent death, as told from the heart of a father, is at once, both sorrowful and beautiful, as it pays tribute to a daughter and the God in whom her soul found rest. I can think of no gift a child could leave her parents more priceless than the assurance her life was hid in Christ.”

Marcia Moston, author of Call of a Coward

"As the story unfolds you will see forgiveness, perseverance, love, salvation, and blessings untold. You will bear witness to a church unified by events only a loving and all knowing God could ever engineer. In essence, you will see the birth of a movement or revolution that continues to this day and that I believe will birth great things for the Kingdom of God for generations to come." (from the forward of the book)

Robert Townshend
Pastor of student and family ministries
Calvary Bible Church, Rutland VT.

Just finished reading the most beautiful, emotionally raw, spiritual, moving, blessed love story.
Be part of Gary, Cindy, Kim, Chris and Jim on their loving, emotional, raw, most spiritual and heart wrenching journey.
Thank you Gary for your love, dedication, emotions and faith.

Mary Bride


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